Synopsys’s PrimeShield™ solution provides design robustness analysis and optimization at advanced nodes and enables designers to effectively improve design robustness in face of escalating process and voltage variability. It enables designers to reduce design power and boost frequency by minimizing over-pessimism, over-margin and over-design while ensuring design safety.
PrimeShield can rapidly identify and drive optimization of bottlenecks at the stage, path and design level that are sensitive to variations such as supply voltage drops or manufacturing variability. The patented fast statistical methods and breakthrough machine learning technology are used to firmly establish design robustness analysis as a method to minimize failure and maximize power, performance, and area (PPA). PrimeShield delivers 100X-10,000X faster design robustness analysis and optimization than existing solutions. It is scalable to volume production system- on-chips (SoCs) with billions of transistors, while using industry standard inputs for immediate deployment.