Emilie Viasnoff
Executive Director
System Design Group, Optical Solutions
Synopsys Inc.

Optical Solutions, History, Uniqueness and Future

Brief Introduction

In this presentation I will explain the roots of our software tools. I will then review our current unique portfolio leveraging all Synopsys platforms to enable you design first time right optical systems. I will end with some insights on our future solutions. 



Chenglin Xu
RSoft Photonic Tools Product Manager
System Design Group, Optical Solutions
Synopsys Inc.

Manufacturable Design Flow for MetaOptics

Brief Introduction

Metalenses have the potential to revolutionize optical products for compact imaging, sensing, and display applications. However, this emerging technology faces great challenges in both design and manufacturing. The difficulty in design results from the two significantly different length scales present, that of the lenses (macro-optics) and that of the constituent meta-atoms (micro-structures). The manufacturing complexity is due to the fabtication errors associated with the micro structures, leading to unintended changes in the design.


To overcome these challenges, Synopsys has developed a fully automated design flow, by combining ray-optics and wave-optics, for complex optical designs, such as hybrid refractive-metalens systems. To take the manufacturing errors into account and compensate for them in the design stage, a virtual fab is created through process simulation. Instead of ideal meta-atoms, manufacturing-aware meta-atom libraries are used in the design at the outset, to ensure that the first-pass of fabrication can meet the intended design specifications.



Hyung Uk Cho
Principal Engineer/Group Leader
Display Research Center
Samsung Display

Optical Simulation-Based Smart Design for Display Applications

Brief Introduction

This presentation describes optical simulation methodology for predicting characteristics of displays in terms of OLED panel and optics, which partially includes computational engineering combined with artificial intelligence (AI). As a results, this methodology can be designed and optimized to satisfy the display image quality characteristics.



Chansung Jeong
Senior Research Engineer
LG Electronics

LightTools를 활용한 마이크로 LED 및 LCD 디스플레이 광학 시뮬레이션 사례 연구

Brief Introduction

디스플레이 기술에 대한 이해와 시뮬레이션의 중요성을 강조하며, Light Tools를 활용한 Micro LED및 LCD 디스플레이 설계 사례를 통해 분석 및 시뮬레이션 응용 방법을 소개한다. 



Sungchan Park
Department of Physics
Dankook University

CODE V를 활용한 액체렌즈 줌 광학계 설계

Brief Introduction

액체 렌즈처럼 외부 압력 또는 전압 세기에 따른 렌즈 면 형상 변화를 CODE V의 Macro 기능을 접목하여 알고리즘화 하고, 액체 렌즈의 광학 특성을 고려하여 줌 광학계의 기초 설계를 렌즈 모듈을 이용하여 구합니다. 이러한 과정을 거쳐 얻은 줌 광학계의 각군을 독립적으로 설계하고 군들을 병합한후 최적화 과정을 통해 최종 줌 광학계를 얻는 과정을 소개합니다.



Sungoo Kang
Etendue Lighting

모빌리티용 헤드램프 설계 : LucidShape vs. LucidShape CAA

Brief Introduction

모빌리티 헤드램프의 최신 디자인 트렌드는 슬림하고 강렬한 형태를 채택하는 추세입니다. 이를 구현하기 위해 Free-form Lens가 활용되고 있으며, LucidShape와 LucidShape CAA를 활용한 Free-form Lens 설계 사례와 그들 간의 차이점을 소개합니다.



Jaemyung Ryu
Department of Optical Engineering
Kumoh National Institute of Technology

Inner-focus 형태의 Tube 렌즈 설계

Brief Introduction

To Be Updated